BIRDMAN, A Quick Review


This is gonna be a REALLY short and to-the-point review…

I just watched Birdman. I really didn’t like it. It was interesting, I suppose, and i was impressed with everyone in the cast. Then why didn’t I like it? Was it too out-of-the-box? Not really. It was quirky, it was weird, it was slightly humorous and had some not-so-dark moments, but in the end, I felt like I just wasted 2 hours of my life and I wish I watched something else.

So, a quick idea of what the movie is about – You’re watching a group of characters who are actors in a new broadway play written, directed and starring Riggan (Michael Keaton) who USED to play a superhero, Birdman, in blockbuster films, but then turns to broadway to continue a respectable acting career.

Now, I didn’t pay much attention to the previews for this movie, as I haven’t been watching as much TV as I did last year (hence the lack of posts…sorry…um, life?)

So who else is in it? Most notably, Emma Stone, Zach Galifianakis, Naomi Watts, and Edward Norton.

birdman2The movie was filmed to look like it was done in one shot, which was very cool, but it made me feel lost and overwhelmed – specifically throughout the first act…i’m not sure if Riggan is crazy, or if his character IS a bird man??  I guess that’s the appeal to this movie? Michael Keaton was fantastic – he’s good at nuts.

Side note: i LOVED Harvey Birdman, Attorney At Law. And here’s a cool piece of Birdman fanart I found on the world wide web:


Fall Is Here – What Kept You Entertained? Part 1.

May I start this off by saying…man, it’s hot in here…like, seriously. it’s so hot outside today, i think my AC unit is dying of heat exhaustion…and my crazy boyfriend is outside mowing the lawn and watering it with his sweat! Gross! Meanwhile, i’m indoors enjoying some US Open and reflecting on what’s kept me entertained this 2014 Summer!

I don’t even know where to start. I am so rusty from blogging, life has been so busy with moving, working two jobs, freelance, and blah-blah-blah, that I haven’t gotten my rant on with you guys in FOREVER!

So let’s talk about the shows that got me through up to our summer drought of entertainment…


I’d have to say my favorite comedy this past year was Brooklyn Nine-Nine! Andy Samberg, Terry Crews, Andre Braugher and the rest of the cast helped fill the void The Office left behind (wasn’t sure if that would ever happen)! This show just straight up makes me laugh! I’ve known of The Lonely Island for a while, first from their album Incredibad and later from their online series The Bu and seeing TLI join the writers of SNL, specifically Samberg’s success story up to this point has been very exciting! Also, Chelsea Peretti … this bitch is cazy and I f*cking love her! I used to listen often to her podcast Call Chelsea Peretti to get me through the work day and I know she had been doing writing on Parks & Rec, so seeing her on TV just makes me even bigger of a fan! Watch the premier of Season 2 on Sept. 28th 8:30/7:30c on Fox.

Game of Thrones Without going into too much detail, those of you who have seen it i’m sure would agree with me when i say, “DAAAMMNN that was a good season!”  Sh*t hit the fan, so many people died, we had some amazing fight scenes, we met so many new characters and it looks like we are ending the show with SO MANY exciting new stories and undiscovered places! I haven’t read the books, i don’t know what’s to come, but i do know i LOVED this season (and every other) of Games of Thrones.

Being Human You know…it’s not fair, it’s really not fair when you fall inlove with a show, its characters, and the writing gets really good aaaand then it gets cancelled! WTF!? What am I going to do without seeing Aiden’s beautiful face, or hang out with my home-ghost girl Sally, or get frustrated with Nora and Josh’s upside down relationship! The final season introduced a new character that would have led into another interesting and entertaining storyline but NO! they just HAD to end it! It’s blasphemy i tell ya! Being Human was the best vampire/werewolf show on TV and I don’t care WHO argues with me on that. I know i’m right.

Vikings Brutal and fast paced as ever, Ragnar Lothbrok and his group of vikings venture to new lands…there is so much to this story aside from the unnecessary violence, I promise you, this show is worth tuning into if you haven’t already. I’ve said it before, it was the best new edition to my lineup to hold me over till HBO brings back GoT. VERY much looking forward to its return to TV.

Broad CityBroad City I mean, total craziness, right? I was hoping HBO’s GIRLS would satisfy my funny female fix but that didn’t entertain me very much this past season, while Broad City certainly did! I didn’t know what to expect from this show. Comedy Central has been doing a pretty good job with their lineup. I continued watching Inside Amy Schumer but found myself really looking forward to Broad City. Ilana Glazer & Abbi Jacobson really know how to show people what life is REALLY like for young adults. It’s a struggle and I will continue to laugh at their hardships. I think the pair make me laugh in the ways Tina Fey did when working with her all-star women’s cast of SNL, only with these broads, its more dirty, shocking, immature and unexpectedly hilarious. I’ll be looking forward to their 2nd season premier.



Cosmos A show about the world and beyond! If you haven’t seen or heard of this show, it’s aaaalll science and you need see this 1980s re-installment. Watch this and learn more than you thought you never thought you’d learn about! Get your mind blown. Watch this. Learn something. Thanks to Cosmos I am now a HUGE Neil Degrasse Tyson fan. I subscribe to and have listened to every podcast from his Star Talk Radio show…i love this man, he is a TOTAL Inspiration and to top it off, he’s a really nice, fun guy. I haven’t met him, but you just kind of know 🙂

FaceOff and Jim Henson’s Muppet Challenge have been the only competition shows I’ve been watching (tho I will continue to tune into Master Chef and Top Chef if time permits), always entertaining to watch off the DVR (the ONLY way to watch it, if you ask me…i don’t need commercial breaks or the SAME drama of the SAME complications every week!..Personally, i would love it if they explained the process in more detail rather than have it be about their struggles). The contestants are so talented, it’s really awesome to see their designs from concept to completion – some better than others. I think i would have been good at character designer and creature modeling.

And how could I forget the most EPIC series FX brought to us in early spring….FARGO


FargoI don’t usually watch suspense thrillers but this one is a MUST WATCH! I’ve only seen the movie once a long, long time ago that I can’t even really remember it. This show has an ALL STAR cast; Billy Bob Thornton, Martin Freeman (the original Jim from the Office UK), Allison Tolman, Colin Hanks, and Bob Odenkirk (“Just Call Saul!”). Other characters played by many familiar faces such as Glen Howard (It’s Always Sunny…), Oliver Platt (The Big C), and Kate Walsh (Private Practice) just to name a few.
This is the kind of show that makes me feel like I’m watching a movie. Twas absolutely a favorite and i HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend you watch it!!

Quick Reviews – Summer TV 

Antiheroes ( – This was a surprisingly entertaining webseries that feels like Children’s Hospital only it’s not as funny and the acting isn’t very good. Antiheroes is about people who have super powers but don’t use them to save humanity. My inability to really care for the characters solely based on their acting makes me not care THAT much, but It isn’t the worst…I just expect a lot better. Too harsh? Maybe, but I say give it a shot, each episode is like, 5 minutes long and you might sort of like it too.

Orange Is The New Black – Now, I was late in getting to watch season 2 and I did my best to take my time with the season and omg…Amazing. Yea, I’m really not going to go into any detail except that I thought it started off a bit slow, but then it is just winner after winner after winner! If you’ve watched it, you know…you know how f*cking amazing it was, and once again, left me NEEDING more! I’m ready for Season 3, like today!

This is getting extensive, and there is so much more to talk about! Thanks for reading, to be continued…

What’s On Your Fall Television Schedule?

fall tv schedule feature imageFall is just around the corner, and with it some really great television. I can tell you for certain that some of our staple shows are bound for greatness with their fall premieres: The Walking Dead (October 12, AMC) for instance is already claiming to have the most “intense first six minutes” and with what I have seen so far, I don’t doubt it.

American Horror Story

Even those last season’s American Horror Story: Coven, wasn’t my favorite chapter of the franchise, I have to say that I am completely on board with Freak Show (October 8, FX)! I think, once again, Ryan Murphy has been set up for greatness with this next season and as long as he isn’t trying to shove too much into it like last year, Freak Show has the potential to really scare the life out of us. I mean, this year’s villian is a killer clown that is supposed to make Pennywise look like Ronald McDonald.

The Blacklist

Returning for its sophmore season is one of the only two shows left on NBC that’s worth watching (IMO) and that is The Blacklist (September 22, NBC). Since cancelling Revolution (yeah, not ready to let that one go), NBC hasn’t exactly wowed me with their summer programming, Taxi Brooklyn and Rosemary’s Baby reboot.. REALLY!? Nor has any of their new shows for fall seem like standouts, so as long as The Blacklist is coming back, I will keep NBC on my favorites list.

James Spader is pure awesomeness as Raymond “Red” Reddington, and he breathes life into a network that is full of bad reality TV and poorly scripted dramas. He adds humor and sass in a show that is full of interesting and intriguing plot lines, and is surrounded by an equally talented supporting cast.

Sadly, CBS and ABC have pretty much lost me as a viewer, with Modern Family being about the only thing left on ABC that I make sure to tune in for. I am still in love with the Pritchetts and Dumpheys and cannot wait for them to come back to my Wednesday night line up. Even seven seasons in, they find ways to keep family life really ridiculous, funny, and easy going. 

Sons of Anarchy

In other places, FX is gearing up for their final season of Sons of Anarchy (September 9, FX). My only regret here is that I missed out on the first six seasons as they played out live, only having binged the show over this past winter. I have yet to catch up on season six, but that’s ok. My DVR is set and ready for the Son’s final season, and I will play catch up along the way thanks to the magical addiction that is my Netflix account.

Speaking of which, if you don’t have a Netflix subscription, I highly suggest getting one or making friends with someone who is willing to share. Some of the absolute best television programming right now is on Netflix and you would be doing yourself a diservice if you miss out on Orange is the New Black and House of Cards. Both of which will air new seasons in 2015, so you have plenty of time to catch up!

Even though I am well out of the targeted demo for it, I am really excited for the return of Supernatural (October 7, CW).


Season 10 premieres this October, and I am giddy with excitment. The way that last season ended was a game changer, and a fantastic way to lend life to a show that, most would say should have ended four or five seasons ago. Keep huntin’ boys, I’ll ride along in the Impala until we are all old and gray.

So far, the only new show that looks worth tuning in to, for me anyway, is Fox’s ‘Gotham’. I am admittedly a big fan of the Dark Knight Series, and I think that this prequel tale of Gotham city looks pretty gritty. I like gritty. While I do love some funny stuff, some of the best television I have watched has been down right dirty (either in mud or scandal). Go with what you know, right?

My biggest WTF so far of the fall season is the mysterious return of HBO’s The Newsroom. I feel as though I may be among the ones of people waiting for the third and final season. This show was fresh, funny, smart, and captivating. I am simultaneously pissed and enamoured with Aaron Sorkin for getting me hooked, then taking this little gem away. 

Of course, these are just my picks for what’s worth watching this fall. I know some of my other fellow TV Junkies have their own DVR schedule and will be sharing it in the near future. But for now, I want to know…

…what’s on YOUR viewing schedule?

The TV Times Are A’Changin’ – Can You Keep Up?

televisionBack when I was a kid, with the arrival of summer meant that my television watching days were over until it was time to return to school. With the exception of Saturday morning’s Cartoon Express and the occasional baseball game, I barely even glanced at the TV. Today, that seems to hardly be the case anymore.


Television is emerging from its cocoon, and blossoming into this beautiful butterfly, offering an array of choices in not only programming, but in platform and time. People are realizing that not everyone works the kind of schedule that television programming was built around in the early days of the infatuation with the boob tube. So, like many other things in the world, it is time for a revision of how we watch and what we watch.


No longer must we suffer through twelve plus weeks of reruns. Thanks to the internet and streaming subscription services like Netflix, Amazon Plus and Hulu, we are able to fill our time with shows we may have missed the first time around, as well as new programming that the networks may have never brought us. Not to mention that networks are starting to offer more new shows that air during the summer season to fill the gap.


RELATED: Our Top 10 Binge-Worthy Shows


Most recently, Netflix has created smash hits Orange is the New Black and House of Cards, both of which have been lighting the TV industry on fire. For the first time in history, you don’t have to have a cable subscription to watch television. These shows, both of which boast some serious talent, have been winning awards, making people laugh, cry and cringe. Fresh and innovative story telling is keeping people continuing to tune in, and offering that programming at the touch of a finger, any time, any place – is making it King of all entertainment.


Since the internet came along and allowed people to connect in much easier, less stressful environment, fandoms have formed. Millions of dedicated people are creating communities, conventions, and in some cases, life long relationships. Their collective voices have caused networks to change their minds on the fate of a show. They’ve caused others networks to sit up and take notice, saving an axed program from oblivion (lookin’ your way Cougar Town).


It’s allowed people like myself, to find a new way to express my love for good storytelling. Being able to sit here and gush about some amazingly crafted hour of television, or rant about inconsistencies in the character arcs is what my dreams are made of. The best part is, I know that I am not alone.


So, the next time you think to yourself… “there is nothing on right now!” head to one of the other many platforms and explore what you may have missed. Look through your On Demand menu, fire up the computer and check out Netflix or Hulu. I guarantee you, something will catch your eye and you will be beyond glad you dove in.


Funny Movies to Watch…or NOT Watch on a Snow Day

this is the endJanuary has just begun and already we are snowed in here, in NYC. But that’s okay, because we are exceedingly eager to cozy up under the covers and watch a movie with a cup of hot cocoa! Thankfully, Hollywood has presented us with an abundance of comedic films in 2013 from which we can choose: The Hangover Part III, Grown Ups 2, Identity Thief, Scary Movie 5, Last Vegas, This Is The End, Movie 43, 21 & Over, We’re The Millers, The Heat, just to name a few.

If you’re looking for a hardy laughter-, even cackling-, inducing movie, you must, I repeat, MUST go with This Is The End. The cast alone should be enough to convince you of this movie’s hilarity. It will make you #LOL from beginning to end as it features Judd Apatow favorites like Seth Rogan, Jonah Hill, James Franco, Jay Baruchel and includes Danny McBride and Craig Robinson. Plus, there’s a significant number of cameos including (beautiful and ass-kicking) Emma Watson, Paul Rudd, Mindy Kaling, Aziz Ansari, Jason Segal, Rihanna, McLovin (Christopher Mintz-Plasse), and (a hilariously dirty performance by) Michael Cera. The leading cast interacts with great chemistry. It’s no wonder considering most have known each other from a young age, from the days of (the way too short-lived) Freaks and Geeks, and have grown up together, collaborating on multiple films such as Knocked Up, Superbad, Funny People, Pineapple Express etc . What a treat seeing them play themselves: a group of goofy, weed-smoking, mostly Jewwy, dudes, boasting bromances and making fun of each other when necessary, if not at all times. Not only are they hysterical with their self-written and improvised jokes, but the story itself was great, with an unexpected plot and impressive CGI. This Is The End  is a movie that tests the friendships and courage of six buddies and colleagues upon the arrival of the Apocalypse, and they must prove they are worthy of being accepted into heaven, despite their questionable pasts. If you are a fan of the cast, or movies they’re in, and happen to share their opinions and habits, I am confident that you too will love this movie. This is the best movie of the year in my opinion, at least as far as comedies go, and will keep you #ROTFL.

If you don’t want your snow day to be a complete bummer, then surely DO NOT watch Movie 43. The film may seem promising on its surface, as it features A-list actors like Kate Winslet, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Richard Gere, Kate Bosworth, Justin Long, Kieran Culkin, and Emma Stone, and many others. But beneath the exterior lives a sick, twisted creature that should never be seen. The film is about a desperate producer, Dennis Quaid, who threatens film industry professional, Greg Kinnear, at gun point, in order to pitch his movie and have it be made. You’ll experience a visually unbearable scene where Kate Winslet goes on a first date with the handsome Hugh Jackman. Yes, it seems perfectly normal until you see a scrotum hanging from him chin! In another pitch, parents Liev Schrieber and Naomi Watts provide a high school education to their son through homeschooling. Yes, it seems perfectly normal, but quickly turns your stomach when they role play as high school students themselves and separately prey on their son in a sexual manner. In another short, Anna Faris  requests her husband, Chris Pratt, to defecate on her, as if it is a normal request according to her and his male companions. Soon enough you see what he had in store for her, all over the windshield and all over the street Yuck! I honestly don’t know how Hollywood recruited such A-list actors to commit to such filth and perversion. Did they have them at gun point too?  Movie 43 is extremely immature, uncomfortable, and obscene…nowhere close to funny. You can RedBox this flick, but it’s not even worth a dollar and change.

We Are The Millers is another movie I’d recommend seeing as it had a good story, a strong cast, it was funny, and only had a few unnecessary scenes, like the baby made of a bag of weeds and grass. Identity Thief had a great concept! But there were too many inconsistencies and needless characters. Also, why did there have to be resolution at the end? Melissa McCarthy was a criminal! Why did Jason Bateman and family express sympathy and stay in contact when she nearly ruined their lives? Not every movie needs to have a happy ending. Her other movie, The Heat, alongside costar Sandra Bullock, was laugh out loud funny….even if I was only one of three audibly laughing. It could have been even funnier, however, had Sandra Bullock’s character not been such a textbook goody-good and if they added more tiffs between the two leading ladies. I didn’t see Grown Ups 2, but I can only imagine how incredibly predictable the plot and jokes were. I recall seeing most of the first one (I could not finish it) and knowing exactly what punchline was ahead, a clear indicator of overdone, calculated comedy. But you can’t hate Adam Sandler for this. He has built a huge fan-base for his Happy Madison empire, after all. The Hangover III may not have been my favorite of the three (I favor Part II), but it provided an appropriate and undoubtedly funny resolution to the trilogy. And come on, who doesn’t love Zach Galifianakis? I can always count on him to make me #LMFAO. And more importantly, who doesn’t like looking at Bradley Cooper? He’s hot, hot, hot, and there’s no denying that!

What can we expect for 2014? Here are some comedies we can look forward to in the new year: 22 Jump Street, Neighbors, That Awkward Moment, Blended, Ride Along, Dumb and Dumber To, Muppets Most Wanted, Sex Tape, Filth, among others. This Is The End has set a very high bar. Maybe, just maybe, one of these movies will surpass it on the Richter scale of funny, but it will be very difficult. I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

Binge-Worthy TV: Top 10 Shows to Fill Up On

Homer Simpson - couch potatoOur Picks for the Top Ten Shows to Fill Up On

Oh, how the holidays are filling! Family dinners, luscious desserts… from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve, our waistlines suffer, as does our need for good entertainment. Most shows go on hiatus near the end of the fall, and, while reruns are OK from time to time, I like to try and find something that’s brand new to me. And totally binge-worthy.

We here at EMTV have a tendency to dive in and get wrapped up when we find a new show that catches our interest. I remember over one Christmas break from work, I got through the first two (and sadly only two) seasons of Carnivale. Watched the first few episodes, and two days later had watched all twenty-four. Since then, there have been quite a few vacations, weekends, and holidays where we’ve given our Netflix subscriptions a severe workout, and we want to share our top ten favorite binges with you.

While arguments can be made for a lot of shows that have aired over the years, we tried to find a representative of various genres. Ya know, cause sometimes you just wanna bring on the funny, while others you want to dive deep into a mythical realm where dragons and imps reign supreme.

In really no particular order, I give to you – Shows to Waste Enormous Amounts of Time On!

Sons of Anarchy (2008-Present) – This past fall I had seen so many people freaking out about what was happening on Sons of Anarchy, I knew it would be one to check out. It had always been one of those those shows I noticed, but had such a busy viewing calendar, I put it off. Luckily I had a few hours to kill when my other shows went on hiatus. Now, here I am three weeks later and five seasons deep.

Like most violent dramas, SOA has no shortage of blood, bullets, and boobs. But, unlike other shows of its’ type, it actually surprises you. Every time I thought, oh, well, it’s gonna go this way… it shifts gears and goes in a completely different direction. I must shout WTF! at least two times per episode.

Much like a lot of characters on TV lately, this gang of hoodlums are definitely of the anti-hero ilk. Criminals at heart and by choice, this is a bunch of men (and women) that you would never normally root for. So why is it that you can’t help but want them to constantly get away with the bad things they do? Because deep down, you know these guys (and gals) love their family and are only trying to provide for them and protect their home town.

The cast is pretty stellar, and they inject a certain something into their characters that makes their bad sides kinda hard to hate. Well, except Clay. I think I will ALWAYS hate Clay. The show is a bit like crack, but if you can handle the addiction, I say this is a show you could easily binge on.

The “L” Word (2004-2009) – What makes a TV show one to binge watch? I think you need to ask yourself what you LIKE to watch. Now, I’ve tried watching shows that people suggest or even what smart search suggests, but I find it’s best to binge on what you know and love. Do you like non-stop drama and attractive women? Well, The L Word could be the show for you to binge on!

There’s 6 seasons of non-stop drama for your mama, an amazingly beautiful and talented cast of women, and an array of characters with various personalities. With this show you’re going to learn so much about the Gay Culture along with the pride and struggles behind same-sex partners. Meanwhile seeing these women deal with the problems relationships bring, on top of real life responsibilities – work, family, love, and survival.

This show will give you an introspective look at the minds and hearts of women. How they think and feel. What friendship and love is really about, and lots of hook ups too! These lesbians know where it’s at in L.A.! Gay rights is a hot topic on this show, so if you’re homophobic, don’t skip this one! You should tune in and learn something!

There’s LOTS of depth and substance throughout this show, despite it’s questionable and frustrating 6th season finale. But at least you had a HELL of a run! I HIGHLY recommend watching The L Word – it made me laugh and cry. It made me pick sides and then switch perspectives! It’s an interesting show with a good sense of humor and whole lot of heart.

Supernatural (2005-Present) Two hot guys, a cool car and lots of other-worldly adventures. How could you NOT want to pour yourself into this show? But even beyond its pretty packaging, the story itself is an epic tale of Cain and Abel proportion set in modern day. Supernatural is a story of a family torn apart by a life-long destiny that no one wanted, and everyone tried to run from.

Take every story you’ve heard about monsters going bump in the night, and you have your MOTW (Monster of the Week) stories, being held up by a strong and deep mythology that will leave your mouths agape as it unfolds. The show is able to make fun of itself one week and leave you in a messy pile of feels on the floor, the next.

What makes this show binge-able (and sustainable) after nine seasons, is the amazing acting chops of said pretty packaging: Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. These guys are goofballs and best friends off set, but when the cameras roll, they can set your emotions off in a tail spin. From laughing to tears all in one episode, THEY are what makes this show just that much more amazing than the others of its’ kind. Go ahead, jump in the Impala and take the ride with the Winchesters… you won’t regret it.

The Walking Dead (2010-Present) This show… well, unless you have been living under a rock these past few years, you have to have at least heard of The Walking Dead. If you are generally a fan of horror, blood, guts and zombies, then this is the show for you to spend countless hours diving into.

From the first minute, it is compelling, character driven television. Sure there are lulls in the story, but when you are battling slow moving, brainless flesh eaters, sometimes there just happens to be a little down time. What The Walking Dead offers in the study of human nature is nothing short of spectacular. That, and the unique way the writers find to kill the zombies, is what makes TWD a fairly binge-able show.

Besides the awesome make-up and special effects, the characters themselves are pretty bad ass (for the most part). As the story unfolds, and people come and go, you will find yourselves more wrapped up in the warped thinking of some characters, than the zombie threat they live with. Questionable decisions, and unlikely heroes will keep you watching episode after episode until you feel like one of the zombies yourself.

The Office (2005-2013) I could go on and on as to WHY The Office is the best comedy in the world to binge on, but in the words of Dunder Mifflin’s boss Michael Scott, I’m going to K.I.S.S. the topic instead (K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid)

It’s funny. Period. No, wait… its REALLY funny. Like, side splitting funny. And dumb, really, really dumb. What separates this from the average funny show you ask… The people who work in the office. Michael Scott is a normal guy, who just wants to know what it feels like to have friends, family, and be the best boss in the world. Oh, and be the best improv comedian, magician, screenwriter, actor, etc. in the universe. Wrap all that up in one average paper salesman turned manager, and let the hi-jinks ensue. Then, back him up with a sidekick like Dwight Schrute, and all bets are off. Michael and Dwight are just TWO of the laundry list of reasons why this show should be THE comedy to watch – again and again and again.

What really makes this the comedy to binge on isn’t just the laughs, but all the little things that support the funny. There are also these moments in the documentary-style off-beat comedy that are sweet and poignant. It’s smart and ridiculous all at the same time. And with each episode only twenty (or so) minutes long, you could easily breeze through nine season’s worth of episodes. Trust me, once you get a load of Michael Scott’s screenplay, you won’t want to stop watching!

Fringe (2008-2013) You either like Sci-Fi or you don’t. But I suspect that even if you fall into the latter category, you could easily get wrapped up in Fringe. I happen to be a big fan of sci-fi shows, books and movies. So when I saw this show and that it was combined with a name like J.J. Abrams, I really couldn’t pass up a little gem like this.

I watched this show as it unfolded in real time on FOX. Somewhere between seasons 3 and 4 I got behind, and ended up binging on DVDs of seasons 1-4 in order to get ready for the shortened fifth and final season. While the story is mythology heavy and the “fringe” part of the science discussed is way over my IQ level, I couldn’t stop watching this show.

I’ll give you the four main reasons to give Fringe a chance: Walter, Peter, Olivia and Astrid. Remember that last name, because Walter always forgets; but the alternatives he comes up with are just the icing on the cake. Walter is one of the most amazing characters I have ever watched on TV. Of course, you have to completely suspend belief in realism to fully immerse yourself in it, but I think if you can shut off your brain for a while, you would easily get sucked in to the alternative Fringe-verse that awaits. Besides, Walter makes some really amazing drugs in his lab. Do you really want to miss out on that? And did I forget to mention there’s a cow?

Breaking Bad (2008-2013) There is a very popular trend on television over the past ten years of showcasing the anti-hero main character-type. I mentioned it earlier that the SOA crew was made up of personalities like that, but no show did that character type better than Breaking Bad’s Walter White. I know, it’s hard to imagine a man in his 50’s, wearing khakis, a cheap button down dress shirt and sneakers as a scary villian. But. somehow Bryan Cranston did that with cancer-stricken chemistry teacher, Walter White.

Along with his meth-cook sidekick Jessie Pinkman, Walter White made his mark on everyone’s Sunday night for five years. Having a break in my TV schedule last year, I found it on Netflix and caught up with the rest of the world, watching Walt struggle with a poor health diagnosis and a growing methamphetamine business. On more than one occasion I found myself watching, completely captivated, mouth agape, at what I was watching unfold.

I don’t think there is another show on television that had such a strong run as Breaking Bad. From start to finish it told a complete story, with a very satisfying ending. Because of the way the show is formatted, binging on it is just as easy as binging on Walt’s special blue meth, or so I presume. Most endings are left in a cliffhanger, and most of the beginnings foreshadow a oncoming disaster, so it is nearly impossible to tell yourself, “Just one more episode.” 

How I Met Your Mother (2005-2014) It all started in January 2013. I had no work… for the whole month! So, what did I do? I sat on my comfy-@$$ couch and binged on Netflix! And what did I watch you ask? Eight and a half seasons of How I Met Your Mother until I caught up to present day airing. That’s gotta be some sort of a record!!! HIMYM is an easy show to binge on. Each episode is only 22 minutes, which means, I could view about 3 episodes per hour, and if on average I watched 6-8 hours of TV, that’s 18-24 episodes a day. We’re looking at 1 season, or just shy of 1 season, a day. So, the viewer just flies through the show, getting a lot of TV for a “lesser” time commitment.

HIMYM is just down right cute and fun, and extremely relatable! With nothing to do for the month of January, I decided to make some new friends: Lily, Marshall, Robin, Barney, and Ted! They are a group of true friends who can be extremely silly and completely honest with each other. They will call each other out when necessary, even hold an intervention for one another, and will always have each others’ backs! The show’s use of call-backs, past references, and countless inside jokes allows the audience to feel as though they’ve been seamlessly admitted into the crew, without any questioning or hazing. The writing is inviting and open-minded, very appropriate for today’s young adult generation. Nothing is off-limits on HIMYM. They address topics like dating, parenthood, mommy & daddy issues, employment and relationship issues, sex, drugs, alcohol, friendships, friends with benefits, bromances, bachelor-life… you name it, it’s in there! Any viewer can easily relate to any one or more of the characters.

Barney Stinson is reason enough to watch the show! Though Robin is my personal favorite, Barney steals the show. He may be cocky, chauvinistic and outrageously ridiculous, but that’s what gets you hooked. His shenanigans are worth seeing and keep you wanting more. Neil Patrick Harris is an exceptional actor, period. If anything, at least watch the episode where Barney sings “Suits.” Who doesn’t love a musical episode? And if you enjoyed that, be sure to catch episodes featuring Robin Sparkles to hear “Let’s Go to the Mall,” and “Sandcastles in the Sand.” #Hilarious

The final reason to stay tuned is to find out who the eff Ted’s wife will be! So be sure to catch up, it’s quick and easy, and most importantly, it’s fun! Watch it on Mondays at 8pm on CBS because it’s going to be LEGEN wait for it…. DARY! LEGENDARY!

Game of Thrones (2011-Present) Watching Game of Thrones (GoT) at first was a little bit like one of those crazy dreams where it was high school history class combined with a strange acid trip, and flavored with ancient fairy tales… and not the kind granny used to tell. You know, those crazy, old, scary ones that were meant to frighten little children to keep them out of the woods. Yeah, that was my initial taste of GoT when I gave it a shot last February. But, you know what? After the end of episode two, I was diggin’ it. So, two seasons in about a week, really wasn’t hard.

Game of Thrones really is epic. Sometimes I think that word is thrown around a little to liberally with TV Shows these days, but in this case, its fitting. Even though there are a lot of characters, (even now I still get names confused) you will end up coming to love or loathe all of them. Its a great fit for a trip to fantasy island, where you just want to immerse yourself in a new realm, full of kings and queens, horrible and wonderful, swords and dragons, dire wolves and whitewalkers…

While there are only three seasons available, and only ten episodes per seasons, GoT is a great binge show. Yes, its heavy in dialogue, accents and, well, boobs, but there are dragons! Seriously, people, dragons!! How could you NOT want to see that! It’s clever, surprising, fascinating and captivating television. Winter is coming, don’t be the last one in from the cold.

Mad Men (2007-Present) Ok, to be honest, I struggled a little in choosing one last show for this list. Ultimately, what made me choose Mad Men is still a bit of a mystery to me. I started the show through DVDs from Netflix, and had a hard time getting past the first disc. When it became available for streaming, I decided to try again and picked up where I left off. Not exactly sure what it was, but from that second chance, I devoured four seasons in no time.

Here’s the funny part – one of my fellow TV Junkies asked me what I found so compelling about Mad Men. The more I thought about it, I couldn’t come up with a good answer. I just went blank. Yet, I couldn’t wait to get to the next episode. When season 5 became available, I watched it in a handful of days. What I think I enjoyed about it most, is the era and the business of advertising on Madison Avenue in the 1960’s. A period in time that sparks an interest and an industry that is close to my heart, I guess there was just an attraction for me to this show. BUT, as I got further and further into the seasons, the more I dug it.

Aside from the main character, Don Draper, the surrounding cast is phenomenal. Peggy, secretary turned Copy Editor, is a force to be reckoned with and Roger Sterling is just pure entertainment to watch. Don eventually gets interesting and his character slowly becomes a perfect study of childhood trauma affecting adult behavior. If you have any interest in psychology or study of social behavior, than this show is REALLY for you! Action-free but full of booze, sex and lies, Mad Men is a great way to fill your need for some serious drama-centric entertainment.

HONORABLE MENTIONS: These are some one or two seasons shows that are definitely worth considering for a quick binge-fix:

Orange Is The New Black (2013-Present, Netflix Original) – Excuse my language, but this show is the sh*t. Funny, sad, ridiculous… oh, and a character named Crazy Eyes. Need I say more?

The Newsroom (2012-Present, HBO) – Easily the best drama of its kind on television. Jeff Daniels won that Emmy for a reason folks, Watch it. Delight in it. Then watch it again, because you will hear things you missed the first time around. Brilliant and exciting television. HBO better give MORE than nine episodes for its third season, due to air sometime in 2014.

Revolution (2012-Present, NBC) – This show is intense. It gets a little mucky in the middle of season one, but the season that is currently airing on NBC has been nothing short of fantastic. Revolution is scientific, apocalyptic and has hot dudes fighting with swords. You really can’t go wrong.

American Horror Story (2011-Present, FX) – The ONLY reason AHS wasn’t included on the initial list was because it is currently airing its third season on FX. But, you can easily watch the first two stories in this horror series on Netflix now. Season 1: Murder House and Season 2: Asylum, are completely separate stories, and both fun and horrid in their own ways. But the real reason to dive into this show – two words… Jessica Lange. That is all.

Thanks for following along, and I hope this little review helps you pick some binge-able shows to add to your roster to fill in the gaps of what’s new on TV. As I wrap up the last few episodes of Sons of Anarchy, I am ready to line up my next one – any suggestions?

Here’s hoping 2014 brings us some great new television that doesn’t include any laugh tracks or procedural cop shows. Happy New Year to all, and don’t forget to set those DVRs!

What I Want to SEE from American Horror Story!

American Horror Story 3×08 – Is there a way for me to keep this blog short? …Doubtful!

I’ve been told by my colleague that THIS season was deemed to be lighter and more whimsical than Season 2; that the writers needed a break after their dark and heavy masterpiece, Asylum. Well, you know what I say to that? Grow a pair, creators!! Are you KIDDING me? As I said in my last post, where’s the horror?

Cordelia-Acid-Eyes-American-Horror-Story-Coven-The ups and downs in the story have made me question if and how this show could possibly clean up the mess of a season they’ve created. The story is just all over the place!

We’ve got a supreme that’s awesome one episode and then falling apart in the next! How many times do we need to see Fiona battle for witch supremacy? In the beginning of the season Fiona deals with time and the inevitable effects it has on the human body, which was a great start to her downfall – And we learned very quickly how powerful she is (lots of house fights and usage of the assisting power of walls…bah). Too bad she stopped sucking the life out of people…she did it once and that was it…why? You’d think she’d have performed that trick against Madison!

We all know Fiona is purely selfish and evil; she cares not for her coven, nor her daughter’s well-being. She was successful in accusing Myrtle for her daughter’s acid-attack, and after burning that witch down, we never speak of the instance again?  Nope! Instead, she’s jazzing it up with The Axeman!

307 fiona copy

Furthermore, Fiona manipulates the young witches…what a great role model.

It’s almost too bad the coven failed to get Fiona to kill herself [because I wanna know who the next supreme is!!]…thanks a lot, Spalding, for giving Fiona a spoonful of not-sugar to help that medicine come up!

My ranting may be deceiving. Though I am flustered with this story, I truly do love the characters. I am still captivated by Jessica Lange and her glorious dialogue. I still want to run my fingers through Lily Rabe’s beautiful locks. I want more bad-ass Angela Bassett on my screen! I still anticipate what the next episode will bring to us each week!  I just want to convey my concern for the direction this season has taken [in the writing, the mixed back of plots…] there are so many holes in the story, I don’t want to be as disappointed as I was with Season 1! (I don’t mean to hate on Season 1, it was just not as good as Season 2 and it had a stupid ending).

Might as well wrap this up with a “short” list of complaints:

  • Somehow Madison’s back to normal and can feel sadness. She can’t get full but she can feel heartache. She still has a love/hate relationship for people; she likes a brain-dead multi-boy but hates her coven-sister with downs…you can’t be pretty, get a second chance at life and STILL be a bitch…what did NAN ever do except make nice with the hot neighbor? Oh…there it is.
  • Cordelia, you can’t complain about the staff not serving you a cup of tea when you can’t even attend classes, keep track of your students’ whereabouts or, wait for it, SEE!…..JEEBUS!
  • Zoe is the only one who’s learning something– kill people, just go ahead, kill people. Death snatch must be out of commission so murder by stabbing is the way to go and no one cares where Spalding is. Will Zoe burn for this? Or will Fiona forgive and forget since that seems to be the best way to handle things. Sweep it under the rug like a good witch! No one has to know…
  • I was really hoping Kathy Bates would play a more dominant role this season, but like so many characters, she just comes and goes without an afterthought.  She’s the most horrifying character when we get a glimpse at her past…too bad there isn’t more of that. I wish the season extended its story of her reign.
  • Queenie joins the Voodoo clan and instead of CARING about it, the coven will only resent her…way to go. Do Queenie’s parents know? Luckily, Detective Zoe & Madison are on the hunt! After following the scent of gumbo and sweat, they find her under an overpass! Those girls are GOOD! And now she’s pretty ruthless, effortlessly steals a man’s heart. That was awesome! It was bad-ass, it was, as she said, “VooDoo”.  I hope to see this transfer maximize Queenie’s VooDoo skills, as it hasn’t improved her acting skills.
  • Is the Axe Man alive or is he still a ghost? They haven’t resolved that yet…instead we get a hypothetical situation of Fiona on her death bed to waste our time with. Good job on the make-up, though – glad I got too see Gollum make a cameo!
  • I was VERY underwhelmed by the introduction between Misty Day and Fiona…my heart is set on Misty becoming the next supreme, but after that pathetic interaction I truly DO NOT KNOW what the heck is going on. Now I’m just hoping that Fiona kills everyone and then she’s supreme by default, she agrees to leave the voodoos alone in exchange for immortality and she can live happily ever after with her invisible friends, Casper the Jazzy Ghost and Roadkill, her faithful servant. I wonder if Axeman and Spalding will have a paranormal battle for Fiona’s heart…

I look forward to the next episode – Things will be LOOKING up for Cordelia, we’re hopefully going to get SOME sort of resolution with Hank and his magic silver bullets, and hopefully we’ll start to find a purpose.

Best line of the episodeCordelia: I never thought I’d see you again!

Come On, TV…What Are You Doing??

Anyone else a little annoyed, bored or perplexed by TV? There are a few programs that are “urking” me this season. ALL summer and beginning of fall we wait for our favorite shows to come back from hiatus and what do we get? MALARKY! Why are some shows doing great and others not-so-great??

What’s got me annoyed? How I Met Your Mother. They should have titled this season “How Your Uncle Married My Ex-Girlfriend” …..ALL season (and all those leading up to now) we’re plagued by Ted’s failed love attempts, which, by now should have finally come to a close with him finally meeting the mother! Well, so far, all we’ve gotten this season is a whole lotta NOTHIN’…nothin’ but silly jokes, gags & cameos. At least we get to enjoy angry Lilly. I get that it’s a HUGE event for Barney & Robin (though I still don’t get how they ended up together…but whatever, my sister agrees that they’re perfect for each other, and since she binged on the show’s entirety off Netflix this past summer, I’m just going to have to take her word for it) but why are they DRAGGING THIS OUT! Why do we need the play by play of a WEEKEND with these people?? What is this, 24: At Barney’s Wedding?? Not to mention Marshall’s been on a road trip…they couldn’t drive to another airport and get on another flight? There are no busses?? And when are Marshall and Lily gonna resolve their career conflict?? I want to believe this whole season is building up to an epic moment for Ted, but I feel that once THAT happens, once we FINALLY see how he meets the mother, we’re done! We’re not going to get to join in on the  journey because we’ve been spending the entire time WAITING for the Wedding day that took too long to happen! We saw how Ted proposed, but I need more – I want the romance and the relationship they’ve built together to blossom before my eyes once a week….i am very annoyed, can ya tell??

What’s got me bored? The Walking Dead. …..BORING…come on, creators…you’re killing me and I’m gonna shoot myself in the head so I don’t have to wake up and be a part of this snooze-fest. JEEBUS! Can we get a little more action and little more progression??  I need to know how the group will react to Carol’s exile and what Tyrese will do when the news hits him in the face like a hammer to a zombie! How the heck did Glen survive the brink of death? And who does Rick think he is?? “THIS IS A DEMOCRACY THAT YOU CHOSE NOT TO BE A PART OF! NOW GO MAKE SOME COMPOST AND RAISE SOME PIGS…WHAT DO WE WANT? BACON!! WHEN DO WE WANT IT? 4 EPISODES AGO!!” AND CAN WE JUST BRING CAROL BACK!? JEEBUS!! And come on, New Camp…you’re gonna take in the deadliest man alive and trust him and his one eye on a food hunt?? Are ya kidding me? Uuuummm how about you tell this stranger to stay with his new family, repair leaks, dig some more zombie holes, let the 2-eyes handle the big-boy responsibilities. Once again though, good ‘ol Gov’s BACK on top and killin’ anyone who gets in the way of him being The Man, or in this case RV-Camp Champ! One-Eyed Brian and all his zombie-heads will be proudly displayed in his RV soon enough….I’m ok with seeing the Zombie Apocalypse from other perspectives, but I need some resolution and I need some answers…this season is starting to feel too much like Season 2 (remember how frustrating it was knowing that Sophia was in the barn and they were all like, “omg you’ve got Zombie Sophia in the barn?? We’ve been looking all over for her!”) and I’m ready for them to leave the prison-life…

I was told that the 2nd half of this season is going to pick up at a faster pace; that it will be better than the first half, but I don’t accept that…what, am I supposed to just be ok with waiting for something better?? You know what I do when that happens? I DROP a show like it’s HOT (but it’s not)! I’m like, “FUNZO DONEZO!” Just like I did with Glee, just like I did with The New Girl, just like I’m thinkin’ about doing with Super Fun Night…and just like I should have done with Lost (I STILL don’t want to talk about it). TWD, you better not walk in those stupid footsteps or else….or else I guess I’ll stop watching!

(Sike, that’s an empty threat…i’ll still totally tune in…)

What’s got me perplexed? American Horror Story: Coven. Ummm…sooo…where’s the horror? Yeah, I think that’s all I really need to say. After TWD rant I just went on, might as well get straight to the point with AHS:C.

Sike, I’ll indulge you with my anger and wit;

Hey Creators! Remember Season 1 when you freaked us all out? I was SO scared (until I put my big-girl pants on) JUST from the opening scene/opening credits and from the first time I heard that broken mp3 you chose as the theme song!  Too bad the Murder House finale was a farce..but whatever…And remember Season 2? You did such a great job with the writing, the direction and the symbolism, I could put Asylum on a pedestal and worship it, I believed in it so much!

Most excitingly, this season brought us an impressive cast – predominantly women of many familiar faces and some new, but all for what?
– Where’s the crazy voodoo magic and impressive spells of witchcraft?
– Why isn’t the supreme being supreme?? Oh, she’s too busy being a terrible mom, ghost-lover? Okay….
– Is the Axeman still a ghost, or what?
– Where’s Lily Rabe and her beautiful hair? (if you haven’t been reading my posts on AHS, just know that I’m in love with her this season)
-What’s the point of Kyle? I’m not very impressed with his Frankenstein performance …though I did like his butt.
-And did Zoe have enough brains to record the conversation she had with Spalding in order to bring justice to the wicked witch of the bayou??
-AND where the heck was NAN this last episode?? Just like where the heck was Kathy Bates that episode the girls decided to play with the Ouija board?? AND WHERE ARE THE TEACHERS?? Are the parents of these 3 students made aware of the danger their children are in? It’s 9pm, do you know where your children are? Oh, let me fill you in, cuz you should know  they’re barely surviving zombie attacks, being raped by attic goblins, and having unprotected threeways with a boy made of other boys! I thought this school was supposed to be a safe haven for these girls!!…

UGGHH That stupid three way…WHY?? FOR WHAT? How does that pertain to the story besides throw it off completely?? Oh, maybe Zoe will absorb some magic through her death snatch, another power to add to the list. “SUPER Death-Snatch…check”

Last I checked, it was called American HORROR Story,
not American WHORE Story! 


I TRULY can not wait until Myrtle sprouts from the death garden into a flower of fury, bustin’ out with the truth and takes Fiona DOWN! Or tries to before Fiona can slam her against a wall (her best trick yet!…And btw, anyone wonder why Fiona used a match to light Myrtle on fire and not just use her Supremeness to do it? She should have snapped her fingers like Mary Poppins and WOOSH spit-spot, fire to the witch!). At least Queenie made her way to the dark side where she belongs*..she’s a HUMAN VOODOO, who could teach her better than the ultimate Voodoo herself? *Jokingly, it works in regards to complexion aswell 😉

Instead of a good horror story we have a late night drama of headless minotaur crap. Honestly, the only characters NOT pissing me off this season are Misty, Zoe with a chain saw, and Voodoo Queen, Angela Bassett who is ROCKIN’ the role wit dat accent!

spaldingNow that we are rid of Spalding and his exemplary personal hygiene and physical upkeep (…which, btw, I wonder if Zoe buried him under the gazeebo), I’d say Madam LeLaurie is the most horrifying character – as long as we get more flashbacks from her days of terrible bigotry. Yes, she’s all locked up now, gettin’ what she deserves and THAT’S good writing, but how can AHS explain the rest?? Can this mixed up story tie together in ANY way?? It’s all over the place and should really get back on track cuz right now I have NO idea what they’re doing except disappointing me.

JUSTICE, or Lack Thereof, for the Wicked…

So, I’m a little annoyed with The Walking Dead. I’m tired of shows trying to make me sympathize with horrible people. This past week we caught up with The Governor. This is one bad-ass dude and you can feel it even when watching Talking Dead when host, Chris Hardwick introduces David Morrissey to the audience…the silence is deafening…everyone’s SO SCARED of this guy! He’s just an actor, people – give him your respect, not fear and hatred! I feel bad for David.

The Walking Dead Season 4Anyways, what was this episode trying to show us? That the Gov’s s got some of his humanity back? That he’s a changed man? He’s had X-amount of time alone, abandoned by his henchmen (it’s about time they turned their back on him, too!) and that he’s basically given up on life, grows old-grandpa beard and uses his awesome skills to dodge zombies left and right..or one at a time…that was funny..I liked that part! Zombie —12 o’clock! Quick!…Dodge!..Fake to the left!…ZOMBIE DOWN!!!! Ooh, the Gov’s got skilllzzzzz…Haha…

So now he has a second chance to start over with a small group of survivors – some feat…a dying man, 2 small women and a little girl. He puts his past behind him with a fresh new name and a big fat lie in his back pocket…it’ll be wonderful when this group finds out the truth of Brian Heriot next week.

American Horror Story has been doing the same thing for three seasons with Jessica Lang’s characters. She’s the Queen of Terror for most of the season(s) and then at some point, the story shifts and we have to feel bad for this person who has done terrible things? Hmm…is there no justice for the wicked? Despite his popularity and existence in the comics, I just don’t see the point in the Governor coming back. Come on, how is it that Andrea, Rick, Michonne and the rest of the Woodbury clan couldn’t take this ONE man down?? They could have given him a great ending/death!

I admit, it was quite refreshing seeing new survivors (as I’ve been growing quite bored of the prison-life and the gang’s pathetic attempt to survive this virus and cutting Carol loose….BLASPHEMY).  Nonetheless, it’ll be interesting to watch this “great” man overcome his “fall from grace”.  Has he really changed? Is he going to try to get back to the top as soon as he can? That’s why they did that whole bit with the chess game, right? (yeah, like in Lost with Othello….BULL SH*T!!…I still hate you, Lost…)

TV knows everyone is a sucker for the rehabilitated – we LOVE to watch people who are at the top fall. Not me. I prefer consistency and progression in a story. Sometimes it doesn’t really matter if they make it out from under the bottom…and if they do, can we wait another few seasons for their comeback to truly be EPIC? Didn’t Michonne lose the Governor’s trail a while ago?? Come on, TWD…let’s move on, let’s get some freakin’ answers already!!

What I learned from this episode: The Gov is still a bad-ass and his parenting skills are top notch. He’ll teach you to play chess and kill zombies with his bare hands for you! Thanks, New-Dad! Also, zombies must not be THAT unsettling considering some people can sleep soundly through the night, vulnerable in a parked truck while SOME OTHER INCONSIDERATE PEOPLE make out RIGHT NEXT TO those sleepy heads…get another truck, you two! Ain’t nobody got time for that…’cept The Gov’na! Bow-chika-wow-wow!

So Much TV, So Little Time

TV has been pretty great this season, don’t you agree? Though I’ve been quite behind on pretty much every single program i’ve promised to tune into (and write about…thanks a lot, life, for throwing me curves balls made of stress and uncertainty…life’s changing and my plate is QUITE full), I’m slowly gettin’ caught up and boy do i have a lot to say – and since i’m limited on time, i’ll only blog about one – American Horror Story: Coven

American Horror Story I love you and all I want is you. Day and night. And more Lily Rabe. A lot more Lily Rabe! Friday night, not my usual AHS night, i caught up with episode 6, The Axeman Cometh where Zoe, Queenie, and Nan play Nancy Drew – and why not? All classes get cancelled if teacher doesn’t show up after 45 minutes, right? Yeah, well, teacher never shows up for class so….SCHOOLS OUT! Best school ever? Minus the impending voodoo / coven war these poor kids have gotten themselves inherited into! I could go on all day about how poorly this instution is treating their students.

So let’s talk about their ONLY supervisor, Cordelia. Delia’s got LOTS of problems and honestly, I think i feel most sorry for her. She’s a really nice lady and so much has gone wrong for her! She can’t get preggers, she’s got a terrible relationship with her mother, aaand she’s f***ing blind now….she’s got the touch tho – Cordelia’s visions reveal truths (and possibly terrible headaches or something, I can’t stand her scream…).Witch can’t catch a break!

Fiona’s too busy to truly care about anything/anyone but herself (as usual…), only this time she’s going through chemo and develops telepathy which is a pretty cool side effect. Meanwhile, Voo-Doo Queen Laveau is on the warpath, which is where we come to learn that Hank is a witch hunter, working for team VooDoo. LOTS revealed…

Misty Day’s keeping busy growing witches back to life and really tries to do what she can to preserve life around her – she’s by far my favorite witch. My hope and prediction is that she’ll be the next supreme. It might also be because I think Lily Rabe looks so hot this season…her hair looks AMA-ZA-ZING!


Things i learned from this episode: since its birth, Jazz is a genre of music no one likes. Get over it, Axeman. VooDoo is a waste if your victim is tied down…why was it so fun for Queenie to burn Spalding when Zoe JUST did it…that wasn’t impressive,, go run a lap or 12. And what is going to be in store for Kyle? I’m almost feeling like he’s got no real use in this story, but, AHS often twists the story in unexpected ways. And where was LaLaurie?? I guess we’ll have to wait for next week!!

More to blog about soon, but here are some quick thoughts:

  •  It’s Always Sunny is having the best season ever
  •  Revolution has actually been keeping my interest despite my continued hatred for Juliet..I, I mean Rachel
  •  Super Fun Night hasn’t been THAT fun, let’s be honest.
  •  The Walking Dead is killing slow can this season go?? And can the Govenor just GO AWAY already? He’s so last season…Bring back Carol, leave the prison and go find some answers already!!!
  • Hello Ladies so deliciously uncomfortable – wanna learn why men suck? Watch this show!
  • How I Met Your Mother really wants to piss us all off…how many episodes do we have to drag out till Ted meets the Mother????? So everyone’s gonna meet her first? Shut up.
  • The Mindy Project is slowly becoming New Girl’s ugly sister. The format, the story line, the characters..i’m getting bored…
  • I completely forgot about The Michael J. Fox Show, Trophy Wife and The Goldbergs woops!
  • Master Chef: Junior was awesome and I look forward to Master Chefs vs. Junior Master Chefs
  • Parks & Rec  where have you beeeeenn and…please don’t go away!! I’ve been hearing bad things about ratings…don’t screw this up, NBC!!!
  • I’m still watching SHIELD, Modern Family, Bob’s Burgers and South Park and I hope you are toothese programs have still kept me entertained!