JUSTICE, or Lack Thereof, for the Wicked…

So, I’m a little annoyed with The Walking Dead. I’m tired of shows trying to make me sympathize with horrible people. This past week we caught up with The Governor. This is one bad-ass dude and you can feel it even when watching Talking Dead when host, Chris Hardwick introduces David Morrissey to the audience…the silence is deafening…everyone’s SO SCARED of this guy! He’s just an actor, people – give him your respect, not fear and hatred! I feel bad for David.

The Walking Dead Season 4Anyways, what was this episode trying to show us? That the Gov’s s got some of his humanity back? That he’s a changed man? He’s had X-amount of time alone, abandoned by his henchmen (it’s about time they turned their back on him, too!) and that he’s basically given up on life, grows old-grandpa beard and uses his awesome skills to dodge zombies left and right..or one at a time…that was funny..I liked that part! Zombie —12 o’clock! Quick!…Dodge!..Fake to the left!…ZOMBIE DOWN!!!! Ooh, the Gov’s got skilllzzzzz…Haha…

So now he has a second chance to start over with a small group of survivors – some feat…a dying man, 2 small women and a little girl. He puts his past behind him with a fresh new name and a big fat lie in his back pocket…it’ll be wonderful when this group finds out the truth of Brian Heriot next week.

American Horror Story has been doing the same thing for three seasons with Jessica Lang’s characters. She’s the Queen of Terror for most of the season(s) and then at some point, the story shifts and we have to feel bad for this person who has done terrible things? Hmm…is there no justice for the wicked? Despite his popularity and existence in the comics, I just don’t see the point in the Governor coming back. Come on, how is it that Andrea, Rick, Michonne and the rest of the Woodbury clan couldn’t take this ONE man down?? They could have given him a great ending/death!

I admit, it was quite refreshing seeing new survivors (as I’ve been growing quite bored of the prison-life and the gang’s pathetic attempt to survive this virus and cutting Carol loose….BLASPHEMY).  Nonetheless, it’ll be interesting to watch this “great” man overcome his “fall from grace”.  Has he really changed? Is he going to try to get back to the top as soon as he can? That’s why they did that whole bit with the chess game, right? (yeah, like in Lost with Othello….BULL SH*T!!…I still hate you, Lost…)

TV knows everyone is a sucker for the rehabilitated – we LOVE to watch people who are at the top fall. Not me. I prefer consistency and progression in a story. Sometimes it doesn’t really matter if they make it out from under the bottom…and if they do, can we wait another few seasons for their comeback to truly be EPIC? Didn’t Michonne lose the Governor’s trail a while ago?? Come on, TWD…let’s move on, let’s get some freakin’ answers already!!

What I learned from this episode: The Gov is still a bad-ass and his parenting skills are top notch. He’ll teach you to play chess and kill zombies with his bare hands for you! Thanks, New-Dad! Also, zombies must not be THAT unsettling considering some people can sleep soundly through the night, vulnerable in a parked truck while SOME OTHER INCONSIDERATE PEOPLE make out RIGHT NEXT TO those sleepy heads…get another truck, you two! Ain’t nobody got time for that…’cept The Gov’na! Bow-chika-wow-wow!

Posted on November 22, 2013, in Natalie's Blogs, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. I agree, while it was reshreshing to see a something differant, I don’t think they should have brought the gov. Back this soon. Like you said it would be epic to bring him back in a season or 2. I am just waiting until he is welcomed with open arms into the group.


    • Something tells me that he’s not going to be welcomed back now LOL! I still say Carol comes along and kicks his ass. She was the one who told Andrea to sleep with the man then kill him. AND has Carol ever even seen his face? Maybe they have an encounter, they don’t know who the other is. Carol gets the upper hand as the inside man, kills the Governor and is welcomed back into the group!! Maybe?!?!? [Jen]


  2. People are scared of David because he plays his character SO well. It is just like the “Game of Thrones” cast. Those guys have fans yelling at them. Anyway, I liked that this episode was all about the Governor. I think it was good that they brought him back so soon because that is how it is in the comics.


    • With the previews for next week’s mid-season finale, it sure does look like they are getting back to sync with the comics. I actually JUST read vol #8 where the Governor comes back and kills Tyrese. Do you think that is where they are heading next week? [Jen]


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